Effective Evaluator badge demonstrates the ability to develop evaluative practices to assess and implement appropriate changes in individuals and groups.
Learning Targets
Knowing about evaluation terms and definitions
Understanding the different roles of evaluators
Knowing about evaluation methods
Being able to evaluate initial aims, define questions, criteria and indicators
Being able to choose and apply an appropriate methodological approach
Being able to analyse the data and to communicate the results in an appropriate way
Capacity to develop an adequate final evaluation report
Being a systematic person who is able to analyse situations and reflect on practices
Enjoying professional development
Participants have to successfully accomplish the following tasks before the BADU Open Badge will be issued.
Minimum standards:
Having successfully completed an entire learning activity (training course, seminar, online course, workshop etc.), a voluntary programme/internship
Assessment session with the trainer/mentor
Case Study
Conducted one workshop on the topic of the activity with youth within 2 months after the activity
Conducted critical incident analysis
Problem Solving and simulation games on the specific topic of the activity