Community Ecology Advisor badge demonstrates sufficient environmental knowledge and the ability to advise others on environmental issues in order to promote environmentally friendly behaviour and sustainable living.
Learning Targets
Knowing about environmental changes and their causes
Knowing about methods of environment protection and alternative concepts (e.g. zero growth, stop buying, technology discourse, sustainable development)
Knowing about rational and responsible use of natural resources
Being able to display environmentally responsible behaviour
The conscious handling of natural resources and energy in daily life
Ability to manage conflicts
Social communication skills
Showing respect for nature
Being aware of the environmental impact of daily actions
Participants have to successfully accomplish the following tasks before the BADU Open Badge will be issued.
Minimum standards:
Having successfully completed an entire learning activity (training course, seminar, online course, workshop etc.), a voluntary programme/internship
Assessment session with the trainer/mentor
Case Study
Conducted one workshop on the topic of the activity with youth within 2 months after the activity
Conducted critical incident analysis
Problem Solving and simulation games on the specific topic of the activity