Europe Specialist metabadge defines the competence to participate actively in European democratic processes, to promote EU values and to exercise the rights and obligations of citizenship at EU level. It also denotes an understanding of the EU strategies...
Youth Mobility By Badu
Project Manager metabadge describes the competence to oversee the planning, organising and implementing of a project and to be responsible for its social impact. At the same time, it affirms the badge-holder’s effective and efficient management of time and...
Youth Mobility By Badu
Youth Exchange Guru metabadge describes the competence to design, implement and disseminate short-term educational mobility projects enabling the participation of young people in all phases of the project.
Youth Mobility By Badu
Youth Exchange Project Developer badge demonstrates the ability to shape a realizable idea exploring the expectations and wishes of all group members, to find appropriate partners and to develop a project plan.
Youth Mobility By Badu